6 Pillars of American Jiu Jitsu

Red Tab White Bars On Both SIdes – White Stripes This represents you have been with the school since its first white belt. You were a Black Belt at the time and have trained, coached, mentored, supported, generated new students, sign up 1 a month.  You are the founder and leader of this team. Your soul purpose is to build American Jiu Jitsu greater than when you began, more students, more family and more gold medals.

Each stripe after will be 6 years each

7th Degree Black Belt American Jiu Jitsu

This is the Warrior belt. It hold the heart of what your started and now achived. At this point in life, commitment and giving back have been a dedicated contribution to life and the art of American Jiu Jitsu. This belt is the  “King Belt”. You must be roconized equal to all others this level. You were once a white belt and people must understand our motto is only you can’t quit. The life of training and teaching have rewards only to be found. Giving someone a skill that can be directly attributed to what you know best. The King Belt. At this point you have total time at black betl.

18 Years Black Belt American Jiu Jitsu.

Time to ‘King Belt” Time to Kingdom 6 years total time 24 years giving back. Thank you.


8th Degree Begins life’s work, the Blood, Sweat and Tears, good friends, great students, and above all the art of American Jiu Jitsu. The embodiment of a “WarLord” American Jiu Jitsu is the art of war with our minds, with others minds and the calm to value the training, over the outcome. This belt is achieved after the dedication of your life to the art of 12 years of selfless guidance. The 12 years plus the 18 years as student black belt equals 30 years total training.

9th Degree The God of the domain, the highest level of honor to be given.

10th Degree is the love of the Art no more display

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