North Coast Jiu Jitsu

Professor Jake Mapes

Family builds Legacy

Vista Jiu Jitsu – Professor Mapes

Welcome to North Coast Jiu Jitsu and all the glory of what training is meant to be. I was visually impressed with the style of the academy. I think Professor Mapes has given his students a place to build homegrown Jiu Jitsu. When You walk in, the greeting is authentic and welcoming. I watched a large class value the technique Professor Mapes was showing. This guard pass was demonstrated as well as eloquently explained, and it was a pleasure to be in the room. I feel the people who get the opportunity to learn with, from, and share the knowledge of Jiu Jitsu with North Coast Jiu Jitsu will exceed all expectations.

Closed Guard Pass – North Coast Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu for Kids -Adults – Teens the entire family is welcome. The training should always be fun first and building foundational skills along the path to each student’s personal ambition. Classes include physical fitness, dynamic stretching that allow you to have a fitness experience, unlike any other art, practiced today. What makes this academy perfect for everyone of all levels, people just getting started all the way to high-level active competitors. Professor Jake Mapes is a champion in the competition arena as our motto please only teach what you have experience in and that is just how it is shown here. Students with Mixed Martial Arts as the path to fame and glory you have come to the right place. The record by Professor Mapes – North Coast Jiu Jitsu 8 – 0 with 7 not lasting beyond the 1 minute of round 1. This high-level expertise is shared with students of that dedication. The athletes striving for the challenge of a lifetime compete in American Jiu Jitsu events, Gi or No GI all ages welcome. Each student is given the opportunity to train with the best, share the mats with the best, and experience training at the level that fits the purpose.

Closed Guard Pass – Professor Jake Mapes

Best of the Best – American Jiu Jitsu

Fair – Clear – Jiu Jitsu Competition
Jiu Jitsu Only Points – AllSubmissions Matter

Active North Coast Jiu Jitsu Students Welcome

Training Parnters – People who are available for training rounds, to learn but train at a competitive level. Longer Rounds – Less rest – Training for Competition drilling.

Trials Members –  People who do compete in Best of the Best or American Jiu Jitsu affiliated events for ranking. People who compete at the trial level of ranking Under 2 events a year.

Competitor Members – People who compete in 6 or more events in 1 calender year. These events both include Best of the Best, Gi or No Gi, Weight Class, Open Class

Alpine Jiu Jitsu San Diego, Ca

Welcome to Alpine Jiu Jitu San Diego, Ca. We invite all members of the Jiu Jitsu community to share support for the talent being created with Professor Frank Califano. What we value about the training is the direct access to knowledge from the professor who is on the mat, trains with his team, and looking to grow even bigger. The Alpine Jiu Jitsu community has been in business, giving back and sharing the passion of Jiu Jitsu with all students. Each class is taught by a world-class professor hands-on giving real-world training experience to every student from the people just getting started to artists collecting GOLD Medal and title belts. Alpine Jiu Jitsu is family-oriented and family-run. These exact details is the benefit to each student training with such a valued team.

Professor Frank Califano – 3rd Degree Black Belt

Professor Frank Califano – 3rd Degree Black Belt

Alpine Membership – Benefits – Bonus

What does every student really want? To be better than the day they started, and to feel like Jiu Jitsu is clicking and making success with the techniques we love best. We are fortunate to have professors like Frank to lead, share and love the art in which we learn, train, and grow. Jiu Jitsu is unlike any other art or training in the world. We all love home, we love what feels comfortable, the added need in Jiu Jitsu is we need the training trust. The Alpine Jiu Jitsu academy exceeds those needs, over-delivers on training attention to detail is like no other.

  • Alpine Video Content
  • Alpine Seminars
  • Alpine Family Focus
  • Alpine Personal Classes Small Group
Age – Weight – Belt – In-house Competition – Support Your Team
Adults – Juvenile – Belt – Weight

What are we looking for? What we as the Jiu Jitsu community can do to enjoy, grow and thrive for our schools. Jiu Jitsu in each student growing the art with creative technique, dedicated time on the mat to achive personal gratification. The succuss of your personal jiu jitsu journey unlike any other yet shared with only the people you trust. The family of your school and having that valued community to do more, give back ,and you personally connected. This is our open invtiation to have access to more local competion, streaming access or live local location competion. The weight class are for the athlete to focus on performance not weight loss. Each athele will have the option to weigh in as early as 12PM midnight the day before the event for optimal achievment for the competitor. Each athlete can weigh in dress as needed. Each Gi competitor will have personal Gi of choice to showcase skills and without restriction of distration. ( Where the gi you perform best in ) The Gi does not make champions, champions make Gi’s

Kids Halloween Event San Diego Jiu Jitsu – Pilot Event

Event Set-Up Competition Times Adjusted Per Group

Kids and Teens AJJF Registration

Kids doing what kids love

American Jiu Jitsu Federation Building with Teams.

Participating in American Jiu Jitsu competitions offers numerous benefits for kids and teens. The American Jiu Jitsu Federation (AJJF) provides a structured and safe environment for young athletes to develop their skills and gain valuable life experiences. Here are some key reasons why kids and teens should compete in American Jiu Jitsu competitions:

  • Skill Development: Competing in American Jiu Jitsu allows kids under 12 and teens ages 13 to 17 to enhance their grappling techniques, agility, and strength. They learn the nuances of the sport, improve their decision-making abilities, and gain a deeper understanding of jiu jitsu principles.
  • Confidence Building: As young athletes compete and achieve milestones, they gain confidence in their abilities. This self-assurance extends beyond the mat and can positively impact other areas of their lives.
  • Sportsmanship and Discipline: American Jiu Jitsu emphasizes respect for opponents and adherence to rules. By participating in competitions, kids and teens learn the importance of sportsmanship and discipline, traits that will serve them well in any endeavor.
  • Parental Involvement: AJJF competitions often include opportunities for parents to be involved, fostering a supportive environment for their children. Parents can enjoy watching their kids compete, share in their victories, and offer encouragement during challenges.
  • In-House Competitions: Many American Jiu Jitsu schools host in-house competitions, allowing young athletes to gain experience in a familiar and friendly setting. These events provide a platform for kids and teens to test their skills and build camaraderie with peers.
  • Health and Fitness: Competing in American Jiu Jitsu promotes physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Kids and teens develop stamina, flexibility, and strength through regular practice and competition.

American Jiu Jitsu competitions offer kids and teens a valuable opportunity to develop skills, build confidence, learn discipline, and engage in a supportive community. Through participation in AJJF events, young athletes can enjoy a fulfilling and enriching experience.

🔥 Included with every PRO plan

All the Best and Giving Back to the future
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Covid -19 Business Owner Self Defense

Welcome to the American Jiu Jitsu Federation and the details we hope to share to help us all open our schools, build our community and share with the world the power of American Jiu Jitsu as a business and art from the same people we know and love.

Please click here to Donate

Gym Owners Please Click to Join the Mindset

This page is going to be dedicated to how we protect our students, how we protect ourselves and above all else we show American Jiu Jitsu solidarity and follow all recommendations, while going above and beyond.

What is our first step and one detail we all share is how we all want to get back to training. That being said, The American Jiu Jitsu Federation guidelines going forward will be from the board of directors, how to implement, how to identify and above all else how to educate our students and ourselves.

How do you Clean? What will make your mats and training Safe?Click Here

AJJF – How to Clean It all – Covid -19

Top 10 Must Do Daily

Top 10 AJJF must do daily cleaning to keep our students safe, our families safe and above all open our way of lives, our way of teaching. The art of Jiu Jitsu is all things, and cleaning is one of the details that allows us to train. It is the silent deterrent and at this time it will take us all to defeat it. I want to each school to display in all key areas of academy.

For the BIG schools who need more, have more want more click here