What is American Jiu Jitsu and how are we different than Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or IBJJF competition. The American Jiu Jitsu mindset is only on the submission. Takedown systems exist but lack the truth the submission provides. It allows smaller people to defeat bigger people and in the takedown world, this is not the norm. They live within the protections of training with equal or close to size people. We in the American Jiu Jitsu World live die and breath the submission. What we want to achieve is getting to the heart of our Art and defining it above the term “SPORT” people sacrifice so much to achieve a moment in time only they can cherish. This is why it is ART not sport, it is why people give years of their lives to learn a discipline like no other. The Art of American Jiu Jitsu is the birth of what honor means on and off the mat, for man or women, for the truth to love what you do and do what you love. American Jiu Jitsu point system works to support the fighter, the artist, and the goal of tapping your opponent as fast as possible within some cases will be called out submissions.
Competition Styles Vary in 3 Forms as Follows
Competition Style -Timed or NO Time ( up to 30 Minutes)
Timed Competition Options =
- Rounds Based on Age Belt
- 6 & 7 8 & 9 Age Group 3 Minute Rounds
- 10 & 11 12 & 13 Age Group 4 Mintue Rounds
- 14 & 15 16 & 17 Age Group 5 Mintue Rounds
Adults Under 29
All Round times include the ( 2 ) Minute rest between bracket update, mat switch, gi change.
- White belt 7 Minutes
- Blue belt 10 Minutes
- Purple belt 10 Minutes
- Brown belt 15 Minutes
- Black Belt 20 Minutes
Age Groups for adults – All Belt Levels
- Under 29 ProFessional ( Pro Card – Cash Card )
- Under 35 Elite ( Pro Card – Cash Card )
- Under 40 Expert ( Pro Card – Cash Card )
- Under 45 Legends ( Pro Card – Cash Card )
- Kings / Queen Under 49 ( Pro Card – Cash Card )
Anyone Can Compete at any belt time limit based on needs, goals and purpose. The community involvmemt will lead to what art with competition. fun and family comes from what we are building.
Best of the Best
Professional or Novice –
- Competes Often or Competes under 5 events a year
- Trains 2 times daily or Trains 3 times weekly
- Training Camp or No Traing Camp
King / Queen Of the Kill
- One Competitor in the Middle 4-5 People Groups

NO Gi | AJJF | GI |
Men | ||
Women | ||
Kids | ||
Teens | ||
Pro Level – Cash |

All Competitions come in :
Timed or no Time.
Pro Or Novice
King of the Kill
NO Take Down Points AT ALL EVER
American Jiu Jitsu Federation takes this opportunity to give thanks and welcome other styles to be great and perfect that craft. The entire world trains from the knees, and yes we agree some start standing and it serves its purpose. American Jiu Jitsu Will allow you to start standing but, the fact is how many IBJJF matches have we all watched where people stay on the feet or stand back up. Let us get to why we are involved, we only want to see and bear witness to the submission. We do not take points or punish the athlete for bringing the fight to the ground. It is our natural element to be on the ground. No take-down points. We feel wrestling and Judo are Gods at that skill. Every Black Belt agrees, they would much rather have a student submit 10 opponets than anything else. NO Greater feeling than to submit everyone in your division. Lets put our energy into the skills that we as Jiu Jitsu artist value the “Submission”
Points Awarded – When and How
Mount equals 4 points
Back Take 4 Points
Knee On Belly 3 Points
King of the Kill it is the first of its kind and is a Pro Level Event and its all about the kill and how fast you can get it done. King of the Kill is for the artist who is the submission whisper. This level is not for the faint of heart, It is for the connoisseur. The American Jiu Jitsu Mindset is we love the best of the best, we love the one who can not be beaten. We welcome “King of the Kill”
King of the Kill- Level 1

King of the Kill – Level 1 and how it works, why its fun and how we as always will lead the way in American Jiu Jitsu competition.
Level 1
5 Minutes Max or 12 Points
4 Competitors each having a round in the champions reign.
Champion will have 3 rounds of 5 minutes unless submissions occur or points are achieved. The result of a Kill will will earn you the crown to be King or Queen of the Kill. Total fights for the entire Level 1 per champion and challenger round combined total will be 6 fights 6 displays of your talent and 6 amazing Submissions. AJJF want to bring out the best in the athletes. This is the purest proving ground. Lets take a break down in benefits of this level of skill required. You no longer have to fight 90 people, you get to prove yourself in a way that made American Jiu Jitsu Famous, all comers, no rest and until someone taps. AJJF wants to thrill the people, the fans and of course the sponsors.

Kids and Teens – Weight – Belt – Age
Kids and Teens will create groups of 4 of the total allowed 64 competitors of each weight, each belt and each age. This will create groups to compete against with greater number of competition experience. The goal and role is to give back and see Jiu Jitsu grow

Adult – Women – Men – Juvenile – Belt – Age – Weight