
Gracie Jiu Jitsu – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – American Jiu Jitsu

Gracie Jiu Jitsu – Defined – Explained – Evolved

What is the biggest difference, what will matter to you, and above all how will this help you grow? Gracie Jiu Jitsu is to be taught by a Gracie and learned from a Gracie to overlook they are very much alive and teaching is disrespectful. To learn real Gracie Jiu Jitsu, the art from the source one must train with them to achieve authentic Gracie Jiu Jitsu. It is not fair to believe or lie to humans because you personally trained or attended several classes you will teach in the same manner as people would themselves. American Jiu Jitsu wants you to grow and become the very best version of your personal Jiu Jitsu reflection. The proof is we all become different people with each belt, with each stripe with each lesson learned or taught. American Jiu Jitsu is about seeing your personal success. Gracie Jiu Jitsu has all phases available, but the core is self-defense, the training is focused on protection in dangerous situations. I believe it was the case in Brazil where you would have to defend yourself and truth be told this was also long ago and may very well be different today 2021 Jiu Jitsu World Wide.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – Culture – Training – Purpose

What is Brazilan Jiu Jitsu, how do we know the difference between Gracie and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? The main reality is training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Brazil? What I understand is the training is at a higher level, what I understand is people who train are family and above all help build the teams they train with. The Art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is more competition-driven, with size does not matter mindest. The sad marketing fact is the Gracie family will not allow people who do not pay a fee to use the name Gracie Jiu Jitsu which is the real birth of the term Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – BJJ. The focus brought gold medals and athletes on levels unseen before. The key details that have no shown themselves 30 plus years of organized competition, prizefight competition to moving into mixed martial arts Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been the driving soul for these to have grown with the people and power it has today.

American Jiu Jitsu – Legacy – The Future – Promise

What is American Jiu Jitsu and why does it even matter? Let’s lead with facts, American JIu Jitsu is not about being better or looking down on our family. We all serve one purpose, one promise, that is the love of the Submission, the love of the fast submission, and seeing someone use the same technique that can’t be stopped. What is American Jiu Jitsu? We are different based on the pure fact it is 100% focused on Submission. Many people love to wrestle, many people love Judo and the love of cross-training with others. American Jiu Jitsu has one single mindset “Finish the Fight” I have asked every black belt I know if you could compete what is your main dream, what is your goal and no one has ever said land a cool takedown. The fact is always I want to submit my opponent, fast and keep submitting everyone in my division. American Jiu Jitsu will lead the focus on the art, not the word sport. This is an art and will grow beyond words.

American Jiu Jitsu should train differently, should teach differently, and above all treat our students like we want to be treated. Classes are not all about hard rolls, for the sake of saying you had a hard roll with someone who might not have been trying or working on other parts of training.